Thank you for your interest in participating as a vendor at The Great Reno Balloon Race!
From Friday, September 5 to Sunday, September 7, 2025, The Great Reno Balloon Race takes to the sky with the majestic Sierra Nevada and Reno cityscape as its backdrop. We are excited about the opportunity for your company to showcase its products and to be involved with the 44th Anniversary.
Vending applications will be reviewed, and all vendor applicants will be contacted in mid-June. There are a limited number of expo spaces so we recommend that you apply promptly. The venue is set-up such that all locations are desirable and have equal visibility and traffic.
Vending applications for the 2025 event can be found here: https://bit.ly/GRBR2025-VendingApp
Information for vendors (limited spots):
- 10×10 space = $1250
- 10×20 space = $1950
- Bigger space and pricing available upon request and will need approval from GRBR
- Electricity available upon request
*We extend a 20% discount on vending spaces to nonprofit organizations (subject to availability). Nonprofit entities interested in this offer must include a copy of their presently valid IRS tax exemption certificate with their application.
APPLY HERE: https://bit.ly/GRBR2025-VendingApp
**National & international brands looking for vendor activation – please contact Pete Copeland at admin@renoballoon.com*
2025 Expo Schedule:
Wednesday, Sept. 3rd – LOAD IN/SET UP 9 AM – 5 PM
Friday, Sept. 5th – Expo Open: 3:00 AM – 11:00 AM (must be ready for business by 4:00 AM)
Saturday, Sept. 6th – Expo Open: 3:00 AM – 11:00 AM (must be ready for business by 4:00 AM)
Sunday, Sept. 7th – Expo Open: 3:00 AM – 11:00 AM (must be ready for business by 4:00 AM)
Sunday, Sept. 7th – All vendor equipment must be removed by 6:00 PM
For questions regarding vending and concessions, please contact:
The Great Reno Balloon Race Office
(775) 391-8562 or email